IKKA training workshop on nutrition and Miyazaki wagyu for “supermodel kids”

Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”

Đọc bài viết bằng tiếng Việt

Last weekend, IKKA held an interesting workshop for the top 5 from the program Top Model Kid Supranational 2023. The children and accompanying parents had the opportunity to learn about nutrition and Japanese wagyu beef. Afterwards, they enjoyed a delicious lunch of sushi and BBQ made from Miyazaki wagyu beef.

Culinary experts at IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku – 118 Nguyen Khanh Toan, Cau Giay, Hanoi – designed a special workshop with exciting activities “learn and play” to bring fun and excitement to the guests.

In the luxurious and cozy restaurant space, Uncle Masatoshi – F&B Quality Manager and Uncle Binh – Deputy Director helped the “supermodel kids” get acquainted with knowledge about nutrition and diet so that balanced and adequate.

Being at the age of development, young children need to be supplemented with adequate protein, vitamins and minerals to be tall and healthy.

Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
“Supermodel kids” seriously listened during the nutrition training session taking place on the 2nd floor of IKKA restaurant – 118 Nguyen Khanh Toan, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

Wagyu beef is an excellent source of nutrients. Because of the nutritional value that Wagyu beef brings, it not only helps to nourish the body but also brings spiritual value to food lovers regardless of age, the taste is soft, the more you eat, the more addicted you are.

Wagyu beef is an excellent source of nutrients. Because of the nutritional value that Wagyu beef brings, it not only helps to nourish the body but also brings spiritual value to foodies regardless of age, soft and sweet taste, the more you eat, the more addicted you become.

In particular, two IKKA experts shared the origin story of Miyazaki wagyu beef. “Supermodel kids” learn how these cows were raised with utmost care, teaching that they received the best diet and exercise to produce meat of exceptional quality and taste.

Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
F&B Quality Manager Masatoshi and Mr. Binh – Deputy Director with Miyazaki wagyu beef diagram and how to choose the perfect meat vermicelli to Yakiniku

The most interesting part of the workshop was the practice. “Supermodel kids” could see firsthand the premium Miyazaki 5A wagyu beef with the same amount of meat and fat like marble flowers on a plate prepared and contested by the chefs. They guessed which part of the cow it belonged to.

After that, they continued to learn how to present fresh wagyu beef, how to prepare it for the perfect style of wagyu yakiniku… Lots of fun, laughter and soulful answers from children.

Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
“Supermodel kids” were very excited to play
Phần thực hành cũng là một trò chơi thực tế được các “siêu mẫu nhí” rất hào hứng tham gia
All of children came up and practiced with Miyazaki wagyu beef

Sometimes there were whispers of regret because of wrong answers, missing gift vouchers that the Organizer gave to the winners.

But in the end, everybody was excited and happy to receive gifts as well as enjoy lunch at the restaurant with delicious pieces of wagyu beef that IKKA specially prepared for the workshop.

Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
F&B Quality Manager Masatoshi awarded the certificate of “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” to Nguyen Tu Van
GĐ Ẩm thực Masatoshi trao giấy chứng nhận “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” cho bạn  Lương Ngọc Hoa
F&B Quality Manager Masatoshi awarded the certificate of “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” to Luong Ngoc Hoa
GĐ Ẩm thực Masatoshi trao giấy chứng nhận “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” cho bạn Đỗ Xuân Hiếu
F&B Quality Manager Masatoshi awarded the certificate of “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” to Do Xuan Hieu
GĐ Ẩm thực Masatoshi trao giấy chứng nhận “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” bạn Nguyễn Ngân Trúc
F&B Quality Manager Masatoshi awarded the certificate of “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” to Nguyen Ngan Truc
GĐ Ẩm thực Masatoshi trao trao giấy chứng nhận “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” bạn Lương Minh Thu
F&B Quality Manager Masatoshi awarded the certificate of “IKKA’s Talent Chef Award” to Luong Minh Thu

After the training and practice session, the children and their parents enjoyed a special combo with delicious pieces of Miyazaki wagyu beef.

No one could refuse a piece of BBQ wagyu beef with a mouthwatering aroma with a taste that melts in the mouth. The children felt even better when they knew that wagyu beef helps to add nutrition to grow tall, smart and healthy.

Certainly, the workshop was an experience, an unforgettable memory for the top 5 “supermodel kids” as well as anyone attending.

Bàn ăn tại IKKA luôn có nhân viên nướng thịt đúng kiểu yakiniku để đảm bảo hương vị ngon nhất cho thịt bò wagyu
The dining table at IKKA is always staffed with yakiniku grills to ensure the best taste for wagyu beef

Xúc xích bò wagyu thơm ngon bổ dưỡng là món quà tặng của IKKA dành tặng cho top 5 “siêu mẫu nhí” mang về nhà thưởng thức
IKKA wagyu Yakiniku
Delicious and nutritious wagyu beef sausage is a gift from IKKA for the top 5 “supermodel kids” to take home to enjoy
Ngân Trúc và Minh Thu tạo dáng với chiếc cúp trang trí tại sảnh của IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku - 118 Nguyễn Khánh Toàn, quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
Ngan Truc and Minh Thu pose with a decorated trophy in the lobby of IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku – 118 Nguyen Khanh Toan, Cau Giay district, Hanoi

Before leaving, “supermodel kids” lingered to “pose” in front of the lobby of the IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku. They have been very good models to take beautiful pictures, capturing a full day of fun with IKKA.

Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
Workshop đào tạo của IKKA về dinh dưỡng và Miyazaki wagyu dành cho các “siêu mẫu nhí”
IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku
Address: No.118 Nguyen Khanh Toan street, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Website: wagyuikka.vn
Facebook: ikka118nguyenkhanhtoan

Booking number: (+84) 78 2345 998

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