Indulge in the Perfect Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion: Taste the Irresistible ‘Moon Cake’ Wagyu Yukke at IKKA!

Wagyu Yukke tại IKKA

Đọc bài viết bằng tiếng Việt

The delicious slices of fresh Miyazaki beef mixed with special Ikka sauce, paro onion, yellow sesame and egg yolk, bring a rich taste to the tip of the tongue, fragrant, and melt right in the mouth. All make a special “moon cake” at IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku that will conquer your heart as soon as you enjoy it.

Japanese cuisine is famous for many dishes made from fresh ingredients. IKKA is pleased to introduce you a special dish Wagyu Yukke – one of the very uniques dishes from the sunrise country.

Originally from Korea, Yukke is a way of eating raw meat that is better known to the international culinary world through the Japanese style of presentation and enjoyment. The important point of how to eat Yukke is to mix egg yolk and beef well, creating a strangely warm flavor that makes diners not feel like they are eating raw meat.

Wagyu Yukke

IKKA’s Wagyu Yukke is made from raw Wagyu beef, marinated in a special sauce and a touch of sesame. With every bite, you’ll experience the richness of the egg yolk harmonizing with the unique flavors of the sauce, complemented by the tender sweetness that melts in your mouth. Our skilled chef carefully selects the Wagyu beef butt and thigh for this delightful creation, ensuring a perfect balance of taste and texture. If you prefer your food cooked, simply request it to be “fired” at our restaurant. 

The secret to its excellence lies in the farm-to-table concept, where beef from the Miyazaki farm system is imported directly to IKKA, ensuring unbeatable freshness and quality.

Wagyu Yukke tại IKKA

With the creativity of IKKA kitchen, this dish is presented as a traditional Vietnamese moon cake. In order for customers to experience this delicious dish, IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku offers a completely free Wagyu Yukke during this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the autumn of reunion, IKKA is pleased to welcome you to IKKA to discover a unique dish called Wagyu Yukke.

Wagyu Yukke tại IKKA

Wagyu Yukke Gift Giving Program to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival
Applicable for bills from 2,000,000 VND
Time: September 3 – September 30, 2023 (ie 16/8 lunar calendar)

IKKA Wagyu Yakiniku - Japanese Restaurant
Address: No.118 Nguyen Khanh Toan street, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Facebook: ikka118nguyenkhanhtoan

Booking number: (+84) 78 2345 998

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